Certified Medical Assistants TMAs

Certified Medical Assistants (TMAs)

Certification and Credentials

We verify the CMA’s completion of an accredited CMA program and their current certification from a recognized organization like the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA).

Administrative and Clinical Skills Evaluation

We assess the CMA’s proficiency in performing administrative tasks such as scheduling appointments, maintaining medical records, and billing. We may also evaluate their clinical skills like taking vital signs, preparing medications for administration, and assisting with minor procedures.

Efficiency and Organization

We look for CMAs with strong organizational skills and the ability to manage multiple tasks efficiently in a fast-paced environment. The interview process will explore their time management strategies and their ability to prioritize tasks while maintaining accuracy.


A busy physician’s office seeking a CMA to support the doctor and manage patient flow. Northwest Healthcare Services would prioritize candidates with experience in a similar setting. The skills evaluation would focus on both administrative tasks like scheduling appointments and clinical tasks like taking vital signs and preparing medications.